Upham students did it! Prior to the winter break, students were challenged to read 47,600* minutes over break. After tallying up all of those reading logs, we found that students had read for a total of 49,704 minutes over break!
First, I want to recognize our class with the highest participation percentage-- 2C! A little over 92% of students in 2C turned in a reading log and have earned extra recess time!
I also want to recognize our top readers-- first, by class:
#1 was 4O with 8128 minutes!!! (4O has also earned extra recess time!)
#2 was 4G with 7029 minutes
#3 was 3GH with 5372 minutes
And our top readers by student:
#1 Veera from 4G with 2520 minutes!!!
#2 Ellery from 4O with 1847 minutes
#3 Lily H. from 4O with 1700 minutes
#4 Kayla from 4O with 1662 minutes
#5 Arun from 4O with 1510 minutes
#6 Blyn from 3GH with 1200 minutes
Great job to students (and parents who helped keep track of those logs!) -- as always, I was so impressed with their reading.
For hitting their goal, Upham students have earned a
school-wide Pajama day on Friday, January 19th.
*if you're wondering how I calculate the minute challenge, I ask each of the 238 students to read 20 minutes a day over 10 days of break