Our fifth graders have been busy reading books nominated for a Massachusetts Children's Book Award (MCBA). The cool thing about this award is that it's not decided by teachers, librarians or any grown ups -- students around Massachusetts vote on the award winner. The only stipulation is that voters have read at least five titles. Upham fifth graders are required to read at least five (and one student has already read all 25 titles)! There's plenty of time-- voting isn't until March.
For more information and to see which titles are nominated, check the MCBA blog.
Book covers are on display around the library. After reading a title, students fill out a review form that we hang under each book cover. Any student can flip through reviews to help decide what to read next.
Students in 5D and 5E are also having a friendly competition to see which class can read the most titles! The winning class will receive a "free library" class with games and time to independently read.