Friday, March 30, 2018

Read Across America Day....

I wanted to share our wonderful day of celebrating reading -- Read Across America day.  At Upham, we celebrated on Wednesday, March 7.

Our top two readers from the February reading challenge, Kayla and Lily H. (both from 4O) helped me with the Read Across America assembly.  To kick off our day, we announced the February break reading challenge results.

Next up-- reader's theater!  Upham teachers and staff performed our rendition of The Day the Crayons quit by Drew Daywalt.  Students had been asked to dress in their favorite color to tie in with our crayon book.

Thank you to the fourteen teachers and staff who participated or helped with the set!

Following our reader's theater, I showed a slideshow I had created featuring Upham students and staff reading.  This year I made sure *every* Upham student was featured in the slideshow!

Mr. Ito, principal from the Wellesley Middle School, graciously continued his tradition of visiting the fifth grade.  He spent time answering students' questions about middle school (and there were A LOT of them!) followed by a read-aloud of the Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce.

Classrooms also participated in a school-wide DEAR (drop everything and read!).  Additionally, I provided each classroom teacher with 1-2 picture books to read aloud to their class.

It was another successful Read Across America day at Upham!

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